About us

Find out more about what we believe and our history.

Our Beliefs

 The Christian Reformed Church begins with the Bible as the holy and infallible Word of God.  The Bible is the record and means of God’s redeeming work and leads us to know God and have life in Jesus Christ.  With the church universal, what we believe is summarized in a number of ecumenical creeds. Select the links below to find out more.

    The Apostles’ Creed

    The Nicene Creed

    The Athanasian Creed

As reflecting our reformed heritage, we subscribe to three reformed confessions, linked here:

    The Heidelberg Catechism

    The Canons of Dort

    The Belgic Confession

The Christian Reformed Church confesses its faith in a contemporary testimony called Our World Belongs to God.

The First Christian Reformed Church of Owen Sound is a member of the Christian Reformed Church of North America (CRCNA)

Vision Statement

We Are a Generous and Gracious Community,  Growing in Christ, Going in the Spirit and Glorifying God.

Our History

The First Christian Reformed Church of Owen Sound was founded in 1948 by a handful of Dutch immigrants who came to the Owen Sound area after World War II.  Members took turns hosting services in their homes.

In 1951, a building was purchased on 2nd Avenue East across from A & P, but by 1962 it was too small to accommodate a growing congregation.

In 1964, property was purchased on 4th Avenue West at our current location and a new church building was erected.  A dedication service was held November 6 that same year.  Sixteen years later, an addition was built onto the front of the church, allowing for greater seating capacity to accommodate the increase in church membership.  The spring of 1991 saw the completion of a new Fellowship Hall at the back of the church.

In 2006, we acquired the former Timothy Christian School building next door to the church.  This building has been named the New Life Centre where the church office and additional meeting rooms are located.

In 2014, a major renovation was undertaken, adding a new entry, accessible washrooms and gathering space. The balcony was removed and the sanctuary modernized.

Find out more about the Christian Reformed Denomination