Christian Reformed Denomination
The First Christian Reformed Church of Owen Sound belongs to the Christian Reformed Church of North America, an evangelical denomination of over 1000 churches and over 330,000 members. We have our family roots in the reformation of the sixteenth century. Along with other Protestant churches who emerged out of that reformation, we believe that our salvation is through God’s grace alone and not through good works. We also believe that the Scriptures are the guide by which we as Christians evaluate our practices.
The Christian Reformed Church was first established in the United States in 1857. The CRC in Canada had its largest growth in the early 1950’s by post-war immigrants. The denomination is governed by a Synod, made up of delegates from a geographical Classis. The local church is governed by an elected Council, which in turn sends representatives to the Classis.
The Christian Reformed Church is involved in many ministries, both locally and worldwide, in areas ranging from substance abuse to church development. The CRC also supports mission work through Home Missions (in North America) and world missions in over 35 other countries.