Our Ministries and Programs

We have many ministries available for you and your family. Find out more here.

Sunday School Program

This is a program for three-year-olds through Grade 5 that takes place during the Sunday morning service.  Contact our Children’s Ministry Coordinator for more info.

GEMS Girls Club

GEMS Girls’ Club meets each Tuesday from 7 PM – 8:30 PM for much of the school year. Girls ages 7-13 sing, work on badges, study God’s word, do crafts and play games – all activities focus on an annual theme.

Extra activities throughout the year include a 2 night camp-out at a local campground, sharing Christmas with seniors and various theme-centered activities.

For more information, you can contact the church office.

Cadets Boys Club

Cadets meet each Tuesday from 7 PM – 8:30 PM for much of the school year. Contact the church office for more info.

This is a program for boys ages 8 – 13. They meet in small groups with an adult leader for Bible study, crafts and games, and an occasional outing.

Youth Group

Youth Group meets every other Thursday in the New Life Centre for much of the school year. This is a program for high school-aged youth. They gather for Bible study, fellowship, food, and other activities. Contact the church office for more information.

Coffee Break for Women

Coffee Break is a space for women of all ages to enjoy friendship and conversation as, together we discover the life-changing truths of the Bible. Coffee Break is not currently meeting. When we do meet, it is on Wednesday mornings from 9 AM – 11 AM. We also have loving babysitters to care for your children during this time of fellowship.

Calling all ladies – we are going to begin a new session of Coffee Break on Tuesday, January 28th from 9-11 AM. We will be doing a 10-week Bible study on 1, 2, and 3 John called Abide by Jen Wilkin. Please let Kelly Kellendonk know if you are going to make it so we can order enough books. 

For more information, please contact the Church Office.

Prayer Group

Prayer Group meets weekly on Tuesdays at 2:30 PM most weeks of the year. If you’d like to join Prayer Group, please reach out to Pastor Sid!


Most everyone encounters grief in their lives at one time or another. GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. The GriefShare program is a thirteen-week support and encouragement group for your grief journey. It consists of 13 videos dealing with questions like “Is this normal?” and looking at the challenges of grief. It describes the grief journey and talks about relationships, guilt and anger, complicating factors and how much grief sucks. But it also helps you find lessons of grief, God’s goodness and how people find hope in moving on.  The next GriefShare program beings March 4, 2025 and runs weekly on Tuesdays at 7 PM.

Christian Fellowship

Christian Fellowship is an adult Bible study and fellowship group that meets bi-weekly for much of the year. Contact the church office for more information.


Explore life’s big questions. The Alpha Course seeks to introduce the basics of the Christian faith through a series of talks and discussions. It is described by its organizers as “an opportunity to explore the meaning of life.” Alpha courses are being run in churches, homes, workplaces, prisons, universities and a wide variety of other locations. The course began in Britain and is being run around the world by various Christian denominations. Contact the church office if you’re interested in participating in the next Alpha program.

Small Groups

Small groups meet on the second Sunday of each month after the morning church service although the timing and frequency is flexible depending on the group.  The purpose of small groups is to hold current church members together, enfold new members, encourage spiritual growth, and  provide fellowship, sharing and devotional time. All small group get-togethers include a time of socializing and for many a time of discussion or study.