
Find out more about how you can give to The First Christian Reformed Church of Owen Sound

Ways of Giving to First CRC


Our church offers personal numbered envelopes in which you can contribute to the collection bag when you are attending. The number on the envelope is assigned to you so your contributions will be eligible for a charitable tax receipt at the end of the year. Contact the church office if you would like to enroll in this program. Similarly, there are generic offering envelopes available in all of the pews that you can use. Simply fill in your name and address or email address and place in the collection bag with your offering indicating where you would like the offering allocated. A donation tax receipt will be sent to you at year-end.

Bridge App

The Bridge App is a program that helps our church connect with each other. One of the many features it offers is a “Give” tab option. This Give option allows you to electronically make a contribution to the church budget, collections, or benevolence.   The funds are deposited to our operating bank account. 

Simply download the app. When the administrator has approved your log in, you will be able to maneuver around in the app. Go to the “Give” tab and follow the prompts. You can do a one-time electronic transfer or you can set up reoccurring donations. You will need your banking information to set up your payments. There is a credit card option also, however, there is a fee charged on credit card transactions (no fee on direct banking transactions).

It is highly suggested, and appreciated, that you set up a monthly reoccurring contribution to our budget. This allows the bookkeeper to be assured of a regular monthly amount being received for monthly budget expenses.

You can also do reoccurring contributions to collections and benevolence. The monthly amount you designate will be divided equally among the scheduled collections that month. 

Any questions can be directed to our Bookkeeper at

Coupon Program

Our church offers a program in which you can purchase coupons in the denominations of $2, 5, 10 and 50. The coupon program is mostly used for collections in place of cash you would usually give.

The benefit of the program is that your purchase of the coupons is a tax receiptable donation, however, it offers flexibility as you can allocate them in whatever amount to different causes by placing them in the collection bag for that cause.

To purchase coupons, write a cheque to the church for the total amount of coupons you would like and note on the cheque the denominations you would like the coupons in. Place your cheque in the collection bag and the counting committee will process your request and your coupons will be placed in your church mailbox.

Other Ways of Giving

  •          Weekly Sunday collections – blank offering envelopes are located in the pews.
  •         Cheques can be dropped through the mail slot at the New Life Centre – include a note regarding allocation of funds between church budget and offering causes.
  • Cheques can be mailed to First CRC, P.O. Box 131, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5P1 – again, please include a note regarding allocation of where you want the funds applied.

We are certainly blessed to be able offer different ways of giving to the Lord and to our church. Cash is certainly always welcome but can only be eligible for a charitable tax receipt if submitted in an envelope labeled with your name and mailing address. If you have any questions at all, please contact our bookkeeper at or call the Church Office at 519-376-2787.

Organizations We Support

Below are links to various organizations and establishments that we support with our donations and prayers.