Owen Sound
First Christian Reformed Church

We Are a Generous and Gracious Community, Growing in Christ, Going in the Spirit and Glorifying God.

Owen Sound First Christian Reformed Church

Join us in person

Everyone is welcome to join us in worship on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m.

Join us online

 If you can’t join in person, feel free to watch our service online at the following link.

Order of Service this Sunday

Find out more about this week’s service by clicking on the button below.

Calendar for this week

  • Pickleball in the Fellowship Hall - Use the Pickled app to join/Mon, Dec 23  6:00 pm - 9:00 pm/ See more details

The Christian Reformed Church grounds its beliefs in the Bible, which is regarded as the holy and infallible Word of God. The Bible serves as both the record and the instrument of God’s redemptive work, guiding us to know God and to find life in Jesus Christ. Along with the universal church, our beliefs are encapsulated in several ecumenical creeds….

Owen Sound First Christian Reformed Church

Our Ministries

We have groups and activities for all ages, from our nursery to our seniors’ ministries.


We would love to provide you with additional information on our church. Please contact us.